- Styret
- Stambokfører
- Raserepresentanter
Show og utstilling
- Påmelding til utstilling
- Resultater
Søknader om
Ponniregister (søk)
- Dyr pr. rase
- Bedekninger
- Lisensieringer
Bli medlem
- Ponni søker rytter/kusk
- Rytter/kusk søker ponni
- Avlsplan for ponnier
- Connemara
- Exmoor
- Dartmoor
- Gotlandsruss
- New Forest
- Shetland
- Sportsponni
- Welsh

Raserepresentant i NPA:   Hilde Solberg, 5760 Røldal
                                          Tlf: 53 64 17 54/917 92 094


Referat fra internasjonalt møte i The Welsh Pony and Cob Society 2015:



A meeting of the International Committee will be held at

10:00 hrs on Friday 07 August 2015 at Vilhemsborg, the

Danish National Equestrian Centre, near Aarhus, Jutland, Denmark

when it is hoped you will be able to attend










Welcome and Apologies



Declarations and Items for Any Other Business



Minutes of the International Meeting held on 20 July 2015 and Matters Arising




Sweden – Owner’s certificate




Belgium - Overseas Association Articles in WPCS Journal



Future International Shows - 2017, 2019


Office note: The next International Show is in the UK in 2017, which was to be followed by Holland in 2020 (their anniversary year), but they are no longer able to host it.  The 2020 show will revert to 2019, in keeping with the every two years rule, and will be discussed by Council at its meeting on 10 August 2015, along with the request from France to host the 2017 show; following which the office will email the overseas associations.




Any Other Business







Minutes of the International Committee meeting held at 1830 hrs on Monday

20 July 2015 at the International Pavilion, Royal Welsh Showground


Council Members Present:

Ann Bigley (Acting Chair), Stewart Franklin, Ed Gummery, Tom Hughes (Chair of Council), Angela Kember, Peter Morgan


Overseas Associations:



Australia WPCS

Janet Murphy, Wendy Trimble, Helen Dohan

Belgium, Welsh

Anita Aerts, Marc Aerts


Carl Trock


Ilona Pykäläinen, Leena Kahisaari


Ingrid Delaitre

Germany IG Welsh

Klaus Spengler

Netherlands NWPCS

Henrie Leeuwenhaag

Netherlands WPCV

Henk van Dijk, Gerrit van Beek


Hilde Solberg, Wenche Lanner


Gail Thomson, Arthur Thomson



David Blair (Council & Chair of International Committee), Gilly Thomson (Council), Sweden, Welsh Passion France, Switzerland (SVPK)



In Attendance:

Betty French (President-Elect), Dai Harris (President), Andrew Johnstone (WPCS Secretary)



Minute Taker:

Jayne Willis (PA to the Secretary)


Welcome & Apologies

The acting Chair, Ann Bigley, welcomed all to the meeting with apologies taken as read.




Action Points




There being no corrections, it was proposed by Henk van Dijk seconded by Hilde Solberg that the minutes be accepted as a true record of the meeting.  All in favour.






Matters Arising


p.3 9248 Australia, Harmonisation of the Stud Book, 2nd paragraph – it was noted that Australia are the third overseas association to start the process after WPCV Netherlands and Welsh Belgium.






p.3 9249 Welsh Passion France 1)Stallion Licence – Henk van Dijk suggested that the veterinary licence (VC2) should be standardised for all countries.  Ann Bigley believed that when the Society accepts a veterinary licence from other countries they do meet VC2 standards.  It was agreed that this is a harmonisation issue and should go back to the office for clarification.


Office note: Bethan Jones confirmed that Council has agreed that the WPCS will accept any overseas certificate confirming that a stallion is licenced with their organisation. This also applies to other breed societies such as the NPS etc.  It was further noted that a number of overseas certificates are obtained after a more detailed procedure than the UK one, and contain more information than a VC2.





Office to action







WPCV Netherlands – Harmonisation of the Stud Book


Minutes recorded in agenda order


Anita Aerts, Belgium, referred to the email of 16 July 2015 from the office regarding Harmonisation and the third stage which “requires a considerable amount of discussion and input from the Overseas Associations and the WPCS Council.” (copy attached to these minutes).


Harmonisation Working Group /Workshop - Tom Hughes, Chair of Council, reported that at its meeting on 8 June 2015, Council agreed that David Blair, Chair of the International Committee, will arrange for a working group to be set up to address the third stage and any remaining issues.


The group will include representatives from the overseas associations and the office, and will produce a report for Council and the international representatives as soon as possible.  This will address the third phase i.e., the tying up of loose ends, rules and regulations and the details of the administrative process for the office and the Daughter Societies.  Phase one and two having been completed.


Mrs Bigley asked those present for their thoughts on the previous workshop meetings in Birmingham and Cardiff. Henk van Dijk noted that the workshop meetings are beneficial, but the outcomes of meetings are not sent to Council. 


Office note – Council receive copies of all minutes of meetings, including International meetings and workshops.


Angela Kember read out an email she had just received from David Blair noting that action regarding the working group had slipped past him, for which he apologised, and that he would attend to it as soon as possible, adding that a meeting with the participating associations could be arranged at Fayre Oaks or later at an additional meeting near an airport.












DB /Council to action





Meetings at Fayre Oaks/ Cob sales were dismissed as it is too busy a time for most people.


Henrie Leeuwenhaag, Netherlands WPCS, suggested that as there is much more work to be done, perhaps there should be a workshop meeting with representatives from all overseas associations.






Discussion ensued and it was suggested by Ann Bigley that the office investigates this further at locations near airports (Heathrow, Stansted, and Birmingham) to hold a workshop in late 2015 or January 2016, and update the overseas associations and the Trustees via email. 



Office to action





Norway – Hilde Solberg noted that Norway is not part of the EU, and they produce government passports.  If they buy an animal and do not pay the taxes that animal has to go on the B register.  Henk van Dijk noted that the EU equine laws are the minimum requirement, but the societies can do more.




a)     Draft logo for the Daughter Societies - Henk van Dijk spoke to the supplied logo which had been drafted by Bethan Jones as an example only, to go on the WPCV passports.  All future daughter societies would be able to use the logo, but it is not compulsory.  Marc Aerts thought that the group had more important things to discuss than a daughter society logo. 


Anita Aerts proposed that all overseas societies should send in an example logo.  No seconder, motion not carried.


It was agreed that Henk van Dijk would have the logo designed professionally and email a copy to Jayne Willis, to be circulated to all Overseas Associations for a future meeting.












H. van Dijk /

JW to action





WPCS France – Ingrid Delaitre reported that France would also like to start the Harmonisation process.

WPCS France

/AJ to action





Defra UK – Following a question from Anita Aerts, Ann Bigley confirmed that the Society had not yet heard from Defra regarding the database, but that Defra do want a single Passport Issuing Organisation (PIO).


It was agreed that when the Society hears from Defra, it will inform the Overseas Associations of its decision.





BJ/ Office to action





WPCS Australia


a)    Harmonisation - Janet Murphy spoke on behalf of the Australian representatives present, offering congratulations to WPCV Netherlands on becoming a Daughter Society.  They too would like to achieve this status, and have also had paperwork in the office for a while. 






AJ to action





b)    WPCS Australia’s UK Assessment – Australia thanked the UK Office for its assistance with Australia’s first UK Assessment.  This was conducted successfully with both A & B panels assessed separately on the same day.  Eight new WPCS Australia Panel Judges are now on the WPCS UK Judges Panel.  On the day there were two UK Assessors and one Australian.


It was suggested that it is something other Overseas Associations might be interested in doing in the future.


c)    Membership details for information - Australia’s membership figures were at 2,922 at the close of the membership year with a breakdown of –


1,826 – Full membership

   983 – Associate membership

   113 – Honorary, Life and Complimentary membership


Memberships and registrations are holding up consistently, with transfers slightly down.


It was suggested by Carl Trock that all overseas societies could share their membership/registration numbers etc at a future meeting, perhaps in January, as he had no idea that Australia had such a large membership and found it very interesting.

























Future agenda item


The Secretary, Andrew Johnstone, confirmed that there is paperwork to be actioned and it would be addressed as soon as possible, but in the meantime if anyone is still waiting for a reply, please forward the original email to him direct -


Overseas Associations /     AJ to action





WPCS Denmark – 2015 International Show update


Carl Trock updated the committee on plans for the 18th International Show to be held in Denmark on the weekend of 7-9 August 2015 at Vilhemsborg, and reported that a lot of support had been received from Denmark’s neighbours.



Time Table - Denmark


Ø  There are a total of 140 exhibitors with 323 entries.

Ø  Friday 7 August: there will be an International Meeting at 10:00 hrs in Vilhemsborg; agenda and minutes of today’s meeting to be confirmed and circulated. The meeting will be chaired by the WPCS President, Dai Harris, with David Roberts (Council) and Jo Sheil-Morgan (Council) in attendance.

Ø  In the evening there will be an International Welcome Reception and a Jubilee Display.

Ø  Saturday 8th August: All In-hand classes & Championships

Ø  Ring 1: Welsh Mountain Ponies Sec. A incl. Sec. A Championships

Ø  Ring 2: Welsh Ponies Sec.B incl. Sec. B Championships

Ø  Ring 3: Welsh Ponies of Cob type Sec. C incl. Sec. C Championships

Ø  19:30hrs An International Anniversary Party, in the tent

Ø  Sunday 9th August: Ridden & Driven Classes, Championships & Wheelbarrow Races

Ø  The paperwork for each entry has been checked by its home country.

Ø  The show will run under WPCS Rules, which have been translated into Danish.


Ann Bigley wished Denmark every success with the show.












Office to action








a)    2017 & 2019 WPCS International Shows – Ingrid Delaitre, WPCS France, reported that it is their association’s 50th anniversary in 2017, and they would like to celebrate it by hosting the WPCS International Show, perhaps with another country such as Belgium.


It was agreed that the office would check to see what arrangements have been made, and add “International Shows” to the 7 August International Meeting agenda.


Office note: The next International Show is in the UK in 2017, which was to be followed by Holland in 2020 (their anniversary year), but they are no longer able to host it.  The 2020 show will revert to 2019, in keeping with the every two years rule, and will be discussed by Council at its meeting on 10 August 2015, along with the request from France to host the 2017 show; following which the office will email the overseas associations.







Office to action


August Intl agenda






To Council 10 August


Office to action



Discussion ensued regarding the awarding of medals and choosing Judges for international shows / overseas shows.


Office note: Natasha Thomas has confirmed that for an international show the UK office supplies International Medals (started in 2011), and one judge is usually chosen from the UK panel.  For an overseas show, they can apply to the UK office for Overseas Medals and the judge must be on at least one of the WPCS judging panels.



Carl Trock wondered what the Mother Society wished to do in the future.  Does it plan to go global, registering all EU and all overseas Welsh ponies via the WPCS; what is its strategy and vision?  Henk van Dijk thought that would be an ideal situation.


Ann Bigley noted that all suggestions, and the minutes would go before Council at its meeting on 10 August 2015 and the office will report back as soon as possible.


To Council




Council/ office to action





b)    Costs of Harmonisation - Henk van Dijk reported that the work was costed by the office, with the first thing being rules and regulations, this is easily done but it has to go to the membership of each country.


The UK office then checks the stud books, but this is staff time and Andrew would have to provide a costing for this.  If the books are perfect then it would not take as long and would be cheaper than books that are scrappy.


Henrie Leeuwenhaag requested a document outlining detailed steps for countries seeking harmonisation. AJ agreed to facilitate this.


Ann Bigley said that the office will be asked to sit down and work out the cost on paper, for all overseas associations to see, noting that the quality of the information supplied to the office will affect the costs.


Ingrid Delaitre asked about an animal imported from Holland, what would the process be?  Ann Bigley confirmed that they would have to go back to the Dutch stud book and check that the paperwork is correct.  Henrie Leeuwenhaag, NWPCS, noted that they had problems with their stud book because there were mistakes made in it in the past. 














AJ to action Staff / harmonisation costs





The next meeting will take place at 10:00hrs on Friday 7 August 2015, at the Danish National Equine Centre, Vilhemsborg, Denmark.




With no further business the Chair closed the meeting at 20:05.



This report is prepared solely for the purpose of Council. It is private and confidential to members of Council. They must not be
reproduced or disclosed to any other individual.  The remarks made by any specific members of Council as reported in these Minutes are their personal views and not the views of the Society unless ratified by the Society.


Harmonisation of Overseas Associations to become official

Daughter Societies of the Welsh Pony and Cob Society



Harmonisation has been a lengthy topic within the society, with a large number of animals having been exported worldwide.  Traceability for these ponies was lost by the mother society here in Wales as their progeny were registered in the country which they were exported with the overseas associations within their own stud books.


First Stage

The first stage of harmonisation is to ensure that the regulations governing registration in the overseas association stud book match those of the Welsh Pony and Cob Society.


If an overseas association is interested in harmonisation, they should submit a copy of their current regulations to the secretary of the WPCS expressing their interest in progressing with the first stage of harmonisation.  The WPCS will match the regulations and write to the overseas association with any comments/amendments or confirmation that the regulations of the overseas associations match those of the WPCS.


Second Stage

Following the first stage confirmation, the second stage process will require that the overseas stud book entries and registrations since its commencement will be looked at to ensure that the appropriate regulations governing registration were in place at the appropriate time.  Copies of stud books and previous versions of regulations should be submitted to the society.  On receipt of the stud books the WPCS will write to the overseas association to inform them of the administration cost to look through the stud books, the cost will vary depending on the number of entries within each stud book.


If the overseas association wishes to accept the cost quoted and proceed with stage two, this should be confirmed in writing to the WPCS, and the WPCS will commence with the checking and update the WPCS Council of the first checks.  Council will decide if all stud books should be checked or if random checks can be done throughout the rest of the stud books this would be dependent on the number of queries found.  The final report of the findings will be reported to Council in order that they agree if the overseas association is to be accepted as a daughter society.


Third Stage

The third stage is a process which requires a considerable amount of discussion and input with overseas associations and the WPCS.




Referat fra internasjonalt møte i The Welsh Pony and Cob Society 2014:




Minutes of the International Meeting held at 2.00 pm on Sunday 20th July 2014

at The International Pavilion, Royal Welsh Showground, Builth Wells


Council Members Present:  

Elizabeth Russell (Chair of International Committee), Anthony Booth (Chair of Council),

Steve Everitt, Dai Harris (President Elect), Angela Kember, David Roberts


Overseas Associations:



Janet Murphy (Snr Vice Chair), Kathryn Mitchell, John White,

Gary Le Brocq (Observer), Wendy Trimble (Observer),

Welsh Belgium

Anita Aerts, Marc Aerts

Czech Republic

Mrs Lenka Duskova - CSCHVK Board member


Carl Trock

WPCV Holland

Henk van Dijk


Ann Grimes, Laurie Way Kearon

NWPCS Netherlands

B Van der Linden


Wenche Lanner

South Africa

Glynis Karlsson, Gustav Karlsson


Gail & Arthur Thomson


Apologies:                  Ann Bigley (WPCS Council Vice Chair), Peter Morgan (WPCS Council), Gilly Thomson (Council), Finland, New Zealand, Sweden, E Stevens Welsh Passion France, H. Schroder Germany WPCS, Germany IG Welsh, Hungary, Hilde Solberg Norway, Anna van Vuurenova


In Attendance:            Bethan Jones (Acting Principal Officer);

Jayne Willis (PA to the Principal Officer)



Action Points





The Chair welcomed all to the meeting, with apologies as listed above.  

Two papers were tabled with information regarding submission dates for the magazine and Journal.












It was agreed that the minutes be accepted as a true record of the meeting, proposed by Henk van Dijk, seconded by Elizabeth Russell.




p.1 8996 & 8997 – It was suggested that “discussion” did not provide enough information for those not attending the meeting.  Mrs Russell noted that the discussion had referred to the loss of breed type. 


Mr Harris informed the committee that the Society was hoping to organise a Breed Type Day for November 2015, which would be open to members, judges and all other equine societies.










Office to action









WELSH BELGIUM: UK Health Certificate for Export Required – Anita Aerts reported that a number of equines entering Belgium had not been correctly exported, and have old health certificates with forged dates. 


The usual transporters are following the correct procedure with health papers and completing the transfer of ownership prior to export, but a number of others are not.  This results in an extra cost to those abroad buying exported equines, and is an illegal process.


Steve Everitt informed the meeting that the Society sells Transfer of Ownership Books, currently for £10.50, with duplicate pages so that both the seller and purchaser have a receipt to prove change of ownership.  However this is in addition to the Notification of Transfer fee which still has to be sent to the office with the equine’s passport.  Current prices can be found on the website.


Carl Trock, Danish Association, reported that there is a list of questions for potential buyers on the Danish website, and agreed to forward an English translation to Jayne Willis for circulation to all Overseas Associations and to be uploaded to the UK Website.


Bethan Jones noted that all Transfers are now done at the Official Sales, and the office sends a weekly report to the local Trading Standards office.


Laurie Way Kearon, Ireland, reported on the increased costs to owners in Ireland and informed the committee of the new movement requirement in Ireland, every time and animal is sold a form and a fee must be sent to the government, these increases are resulting in people not bothering to transfer their animals, and in some cases abandonment, with the ponies ending up at the pound and subsequently euthanized.


Mr Everitt noted that the Hackney Horse Society website has an informative list of legal requirements.  It was further noted that in Australia it is the vendors responsibility to complete the transfer of ownership.


















Action: Carl Trock


Action: WPCS Office



WPCS DENMARK : The 18th International Show, Denmark 2015


Mr Carl Trock presented his report to the meeting noting that it is the Danish Association’s 50th Anniversary in 2015.


The event will take place on the weekend of 8 & 9 August 2015 at Vilhemsborg, the Danish National Equestrian Centre, near Aarhus in Jutland, which is easily accessible.  It is a beautiful site with on-site accommodation for the Judges, and cafes and restaurants.


Election of Judges for the 2015 Show


The following names were put forward for consideration, with Mr Trock noting that no Judges from Norway, Switzerland or Ireland had judged an International Show in the past.






UK Judge

International Judge




Section A

Miss R Philipson-Stow

Miss Catryn Bigley

Miss Joanna Sheil


Ms Susan Hellum





Section B & WPBR

Mr Tom Best

Mr Colin Tibbey


Mr Harold Zoet





Section C & D

Mr John Batt

Mr Roger Davies

Mr Steve Everitt

Mr Nelson Smith


Mr Etienne Stevens





It was noted by Steve Everitt that at the last International Show the Judges appointed had not judged at the Royal Welsh before.   Janet Murphy, WPCS Australia noted that the age of a Judge is important from their point of view, as some Judges are quite old and may not cope with consecutive days judging.


Elizabeth Russell encouraged the Overseas Associations to forward further suggestions and CVs direct to Carl Trock via email at as soon as possible and before 4th August 2014.








Associations to contact direct





Bethan Jones confirmed that the Society usually sponsors the rosettes for the classes, but the Danish Association should send a copy of their draft schedule to Natasha Thomas at the Society’s office in Wales or via email at as soon as possible, as well as entry numbers for classes.


WPCV Netherlands offered to sponsor the Cob classes.

WPCS Belgium offered to sponsor the Overall Supreme and Reserve.


WPCS Australia will take the information regarding sponsorship to their next Committee meeting and will contact Carl Trock direct.


Any other Association wishing to sponsor a class at the International Show should contact Carl Trock direct on the above email.






WPCS Denmark




WPCV Netherlands


WPCS Belgium


WPCS Australia







It was reported that Australia will be holding a Judges Assessment for the UK Panel at the New South Wales Show in October 2014.  The two UK Judges, judging that show, and one Australian Judge, will be in attendance and using the current UK paperwork and procedures.  A report will be made at a future International Meeting.








WPCS Australia





The next International Workshop will take place on Thursday 16 October 2014 – the day before the Autumn Cob Sale – at the International Pavilion, Royal Welsh Showground, from 10.00 am to 3.00 pm.  Attendance via teleconference /Skype can be explored.


Please let the office at Bronaeron know who will be attending on your Association’s behalf, by emailing




It was further agreed that the 2015 summer International Meeting should take place on Friday 7 August 2015 in Denmark, the day before the Danish International Show.  Further details to be supplied.














UK Office /Denmark to action



Mrs Russell noted that she had thoroughly enjoyed her time on the International Committee, but this was her last year as a Trustee, and wished everyone well.


There being no further business the Chair declared the meeting closed at 3.20 pm




Januar 2013:

International Welsshow 2013 :
Det ser per dags dato ut som det ikkje blir Internasjonalt welsh-show i 2013. Det skulle først vera i Frankrike , så i Nederland. Deretter  blei det foreslått Peterborough , UK.
Men no har styret (the Councel)   beslutta   å ikkje gå vidare med det  foreslåtte 2013 International Show i Storbritannia, på grunn av tidsbegrensningar og utilstrekkelige midlar.

Vedlagt er referat fra International Workshop november 2012.

Januar 2009

Frå Avlsutvalget i Welsh Pony & Cob avlen i Danmark, har eg tatt med enkelte ting å tenke på ved valg av hingst til hoppa.


Welsh Mountain, sec. A

Sec.A avlerne har et ganske stort udvalg af gode hingste at vælge imellem; det endelige valg bør baseres på en vurdering af avlshoppens fejl/mangler og stærke sider i forhold til de samme eksteriørtræk hos den påtænkte hingst.

Naturligvis bør man også vælge en hingst, der i type tiltaler én; også på dette område er der gode valgmuligheder og ”noget for enhver smag”. En lille hoppe bør føres til en større og mere betydelig hingst, mens en stor, kraftig hoppe bør føres til en mindre hingst, så man undgår at afkommet bliver over 122 cm og derfor ikke kan kåres. Endelig kan man - hvis man finder det vigtigt - lede efter en hingst, der kan give den ønskede farve hos føllet.

Hvis man ønsker at avle sec.A, kan man kun vælge en sec.A hingst. Vælger man en sec.B hingst bliver føllet også sec.B, uanset størrelse. Ved krydsning med en sec.C eller D hingst bliver føllet registreret som sec.C.


Welsh pony, sec. B

Sec.B ponyer kan avles på 2 måder; dels ved at avle B med B, og dels ved at krydse sec.A med B. I dette tilfælde bliver afkommet nemlig altid sec.B, uanset størrelse.

Man bør dog tænke sig godt om, inden man kaster sig ud i det sidstnævnte, for den mest optimale måde at avle sec.B ponyer på, er naturligvis ved "sec.B renavl". Hvis man derimod ønsker at bedække sin sec.A hoppe med en sec.B hingst for at avle en lidt større pony, kan det naturligvis godt give et udmærket resultat; men der vil ofte være type- og størrelsesproblemer i 1. generation.

Hvis man ønsker at gennemføre denne opkrydsning må det derfor tilrådes, at man som udgangspunkt vælger en stor sec.A hoppe med åbne rammer og rideponypræg.

Welsh pony af Cob type, sec. C

Sec.C ponyer kan avles på en række forskellige måder:

A x C: Sandsynligvis for små; ellers OK.

C x C: Dette er klart den bedste måde.

C x D: God måde, men de kan blive for store (men i så fald kan de overføres til sec.D).

A x D: God, men lidt problematisk måde. Hvis man vælger at krydse en sec.A med en sec.D, som det ofte gøres i Storbritannien, bliver resultatet ofte en køn familiepony i god størrelse (der ses dog ofte ganske stor variation i størrelse!). Problemerne med disse A/D-krydsninger er, at de kan være meget svære at avle videre med, p.g.a. udspaltninger m.h.t. størrelse.

Welsh Cob, sec. D

Ved valg af hingst bør man især lægge vægt på at kombinere hoppens mangler med modsvarende stærke sider hos hingsten. En lille, ubetydelig hoppe bør føres til en større, betydelig hingst, mens de største og mest solide måske bør tilføres en ædlere hingst. Et andet vigtigt aspekt i Cob avlen er størrelsen: hvis man ønsker at avle ponyer til børn, skal resultatet kunne holde ponymålet i voksen udgave. Hvis man derimod ønsker at avle en fritidshest til voksne er idealstørrelsen 150 - 155 cm, og i dette tilfælde skal man således satse på de størst mulige hingste.

Welsh krydsninger  WPBR

De hoppeejere, der ønsker at producere Welsh krydsninger bør som et godt råd følge flg. "tommelfinger-regel":

1. WPBR ponyer
til ridebrug for børn (d.v.s. kat.I eller II) produceres bedst ved at bedække små fuldblodshopper med sec.B hingste, eller ved at krydse arabisk fuldblod, evt. OO-arabere, med sec.B ponyer.

2. WPBR heste
til større ryttere produceres bedst ved at krydse eng. fuldblod med Welsh Cob.

Da afkommets størrelse har en del betydning, vil man opnå det bedste resultat ved at bruge store fuldblodshopper og vælge store Cob hingste.

Avl af disse “walisiske varmblodsheste” er blevet meget populær i Storbritannien i regi af Welsh Part-Bred Horse Group; kontakt til denne interessegruppe kan opnås gennem Avlsudvalget.


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